

来源:http://www.sdhpgy.com 日期:2019-11-26 发布人:admin
  Polyurethane insulated steel pipe is an important application pipe, which plays an important role in energy and heat supply, so its quality requirements are particularly strict. Before leaving the factory, it must be tested, which mainly includes steel pipe specification, steel pipe material, insulation layer thickness, etc.
  As far as the current installation situation is concerned, polyurethane insulated steel pipe does not need a special trench, but can be directly buried in the soil. The insulation and anti-corrosion effects are incomparable with other pipes. In addition, polyurethane insulated steel pipe has a certain energy-saving effect due to its outstanding insulation effect. For the same kind of pipes, good insulation effect can reduce the heat loss in the transportation process to achieve the purpose of energy conservation.
  According to the calculation and actual use of relevant departments, 1 km polyurethane insulated steel pipe can save 10 tons of coal annually compared with other pipes. If all heating pipes are polyurethane insulated steel pipes, a large amount of coal can be saved every year, which not only saves the cost but also protects the environment.
  Standard for quality inspection of polyurethane insulated steel pipe
  TSGD0001-2009 压力管道技术监察规程——工业管道
  Tsgd0001-2009 supervision code for safety technology of pressure pipeline - industrial pipeline
  TSGD2001-2006 压力管道元件制造许可规则
  Tsgd2001-2006 pressure pipe components manufacturing license rules
  TSGD2002-2006 压力管道元件型式试验规则
  Tsgd2002-2006 type test rules for pressure piping components
  GB/T20801.1~6-2006 压力管道规范 工业管道
  GB / t20801.1-6-2006 pressure piping code industrial piping
  SY/T0415-96 埋地钢质管道硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料防腐保温层技术标准
  Technical standard of SY/T0415-96 rigid polyurethane foam plastic insulation coating for buried steel pipeline
  SY/T5037-2000 低压流体输送用螺旋缝埋弧焊钢管 GB50236-98 现场设备工业管道焊接工程施工及验收规范
  SY / t5037-2000 code for construction and acceptance of spiral submerged arc welded steel pipe for low pressure fluid transportation gb50236-98 field equipment industrial pipeline welding engineering
  GB8923-88 涂装前钢材锈蚀等级和除锈等级
  Gb8923-88 rust grades and derusting grades of steel before coating
  SY0063-92 管道防腐层检漏试验方法
  Sy0063-92 leakage test method of pipeline anticorrosive coating
  CJJ/28-2004 城镇供热管网工程施工及验收规范
  CJJ / 28-2004 code for construction and acceptance of urban heating pipe network engineering
  GB/T9711.1-1997 石油、天然气工业输送钢管交货技术条件1A级钢管
  GB / T9711.1-1997 Technical delivery conditions of steel pipes for petroleum and natural gas industries grade 1A steel pipes
  SY/T5037-2000 低压流体输送用螺旋缝埋弧焊钢管
  SY / t5037-2000 spiral submerged arc welded steel pipe for low pressure fluid transmission
  GB/T12459-2005 钢制对焊无缝管件
  Steel butt welded seamless pipe fittings (GB / t12459-2005)
  GB/T13401-2005 钢板制对焊管件
  Steel plate butt welded pipe fittings (GB / t13401-2005)
  GB2828 逐步检查计数抽样程序集抽样表
  GB2828 sampling table of sampling procedure set for step by step inspection
  Requirements of polyurethane insulated steel pipe for production environment
  1. 风力因素: 喷涂作业时,要求风速在 5m /s 以下。因为风速超过 5m /s ,将吹失反应产生的热量,以致影响聚氨酯泡沫快速发泡反应,使产品表面变脆。同时,由于喷涂发泡机将原料混合好后,以雾化状态喷出,如风速过大,将会吹走雾化颗粒,增大原料损耗,污染环境。
  1. Wind factor: when spraying, the wind speed is required to be less than 5m / s. Because the wind speed exceeds 5m /s, the heat generated by the reaction will be lost, which will affect the rapid foaming reaction of the polyurethane foam and make the surface of the product brittle. At the same time, because the spray foaming machine will mix the raw materials and spray them out in the atomized state, if the wind speed is too high, the atomized particles will be blown away, the loss of raw materials will be increased, and the environment will be polluted.
  2.温度因素: 喷涂时,现场环境温度和待喷基材表面温度范围应该在 15 ℃ ~ 35 ℃ 。如果温度过低,聚氨酯泡沫和基材的粘接力就会降低,且喷涂硬泡产品的密度就会明显增大;如果温度过高,发泡剂损耗太大,不经济。
  2. Temperature factor: during spraying, the field ambient temperature and the surface temperature of the substrate to be sprayed shall be within 15 ℃ ~ 35 ℃. If the temperature is too low, the adhesion between polyurethane foam and base material will be reduced, and the density of the product will increase obviously. If the temperature is too high, the foaming agent will lose too much and is not economical.
  Polyurethane insulated steel pipe production site
  3.基材表面因素: 聚氨酯硬质泡沫是异氰酸酯和组合聚醚双组分混合反应生成的高分子产品,其中异氰酸酯组分很容易和水反应生成脲,如果聚氨酯中脲键含量升高,则泡沫塑料将变脆,泡沫与基材的粘接力降低。因此,要求待喷基材表面清洁干燥,要求无锈、无粉尘、无污染、无潮气。若有露水或霜,应予以去除和干燥。
  3. substrate surface factors: polyurethane rigid foam is a polymer product produced by mixed reaction of isocyanate and combined polyether, and the isocyanate component is easily reacted with water to form urea. If the content of urea bond in polyurethane increases, then the foamed plastics will become crisp and the adhesion between foam and substrate will be reduced. Therefore, the surface of the substrate to be sprayed shall be clean and dry, without rust, dust, pollution and moisture. If there is dew or frost, it should be removed and dried.
  In the construction of polyurethane foam insulation pipeline, some situations can not be reversed. When installing polyurethane foam insulation pipeline, the correct method should be used. If there is one mistake, it can not show its function well. So in terms of redundant pipeline insulation technology, it can bring a lot to the domestic economy by analyzing its development trend in the future Influence.

产品:   聚氨酯保温钢管厂家 济南保温管 黑夹克直埋式直缝钢管

山东海珀管业科技发展有限公司  网站备案号:鲁ICP备18049456号 
电话:13953119851 座机:0531—67819251 地址:山东省济南市长清区济南经济开发区南园金轮路9017号 

